Outdoor Games Pocket Parks

“Pocket Parks” are urban open spaces on a small-scale and provide a safe and inviting environment for surrounding community members. They also meet a variety of needs and functions, including: small event space, play areas for children, spaces for relaxing or meeting friends, taking lunch breaks, etc.”

The paragraph above was copied and pasted after conducting a Google search for the term, “pocket parks”. There is a recent trend for pocket parks to include outdoor games for children and adults. These parks are for any setting: urban, small community parks, corporate areas and campgrounds.
Games like cornhole or bag toss, table tennis or ping pong, ladder toss, chess/checkers game tables and outdoor foosball are great games for outdoor game pocket parks. These games all help create that relaxing and fun outdoor space for family and friends mentioned above.

Park Parks with outdoor games will add extra excitement and bring people to the parks. Remember those intense games of table tennis you had with a friend or family member when you were younger. Now you can take your “game” outdoors. Take on that friend and see whose still got game!

Doty & Sons Concrete Products makes permanent outdoor concrete games that are great for any outdoor game pocket park. The products are designed to remain outdoors indefinitely and to withstand all weather conditions. These products are sustainable and require little maintenance. We are not new to the concrete business. We have been manufacturing concrete products since 1948. We know what is required to make products that last years.
All the games mentioned above are included in Doty & Sons product line of outdoor concrete games: Concrete cornhole boards, a choice of four style of table tennis/ping pong, ladder toss, game tables and foosball tables. Soon we will be offering an outdoor game Connect 4 game to the product line.

Need benches for the park? Doty & Sons Concrete Products manufactures a complete line of outdoor furnishings.
Visit our web site: www.dotyconcrete.com https://dotyconcrete.com/products/outdoor-furnishings/concrete-benches/
Note about shipping: Some customers mention… “concrete is heavy, the cost to ship concrete games to my park will cost way too much”. Doty & Sons is located in Northern Illinois and near Chicago. Our centrally located manufacturing facility means that shipping rates are very reasonable to most locations in the United States. Call or email with a list of items you are looking to purchase. Our sales staff would be glad to provide quotes that include shipping.
Games video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciuIzRcEcLw